Risk assessment in forensic psychiatry

Samenwerking GGzE en BPI Services

In forensic psychiatry, patients are treated who exhibit transgressive behavior due to complex psychiatric problems. In the treatment there is an explicit focus on reducing the risk of recidivism. Risk assessment instruments are used to estimate these recidivism risks as reliably as possible. These instruments assess whether a patient can safely go on leave or return to society. This is done on the basis of scientifically substantiated questionnaires that can be used to estimate the probability that a patient will commit a serious crime again. Risk assessment is a mandatory part of the leave policy.

Risk assessment tools

Together with the English HCR20V3 (Historical, Clinical, and Risk Management), the HKT is the most important risk assessment tool for clinically admitted forensic patients. Another risk assessment and treatment evaluation instrument that is widely used in practice is FARE (Forensic Ambulatory Risk Evaluation). FARE is a risk assessment tool for clients aged 18 and older who are in forensic outpatient care, either voluntarily or involuntarily, due to (imminent) crime risk. The FARE has two goals:

1. Estimating an actuarial and clinical recidivism risk.
2. Monitoring changes in dynamic risk factors and relapse risk during treatment.

Collaboration GGzE and BPI Services

GGzE and BPI Services have been working since 2014 on innovative software for user-friendly and reliable support of risk assessment processes. The iSmart Selfscore App is a tool that provides visual insight from a treatment perspective which forensic problems (risk factors) require treatment. This Selfscore app also shows what progress the client is making and what support is required. The result is displayed visually and can serve as a starting point for the treatment (evaluation) discussion with the team and with the patient.

An important principle of the risk assessment software is that it not only optimally supports the employees, but also involves the client (self-score) in the process. The software has a flexible design and also offers possibilities for the use of other instruments such as the FARE and the HCR.

New customers risk assessment software

In recent months, a number of new healthcare institutions have started using the iSmart Selfscore software. Below you will find a short description of the organizations and the projects.

Healthcare institution de Waag

De Waag is the largest center for outpatient forensic mental health care (GGZ) in the Netherlands. They provide specialized care for people who combine transgressive or criminal behavior with a psychological disorder.

Project: The project at de Waag involves making the FARE risk assessment tool available to a group of clients. De Waag conducts scientific research into the intervention and, among other things, collects feedback on the user experience. This valuable feedback can then be used to optimize the software for the target group.

Healthcare institution Novadic Kentron (NK)

NK is an expert in the field of addiction care and addiction science in Brabant (The Netherlands). They are close to the client, with branches throughout Brabant and a personal approach, whether it concerns prevention, short-term or specialist treatment or intensive care and guidance.

Project: the project at NK includes making the application available to a group of clients (Self-score). With the self-score application, clients get:

  • Presented in a user-friendly way the clinical dynamic items of the risk assessment instrument used in the institution, giving them more insight into the issues that the treatment teams pay attention to;
  • The ability to score themselves on strengths and weaknesses and thus test their own behavior against multiple risk and ambition areas. They then receive a visual image of ‘the result’ that can easily be shared with the treatment team in order to enter into and maintain a dialogue about progress, new treatment goals and resocialisation steps.

The application can be used on tablets and PCs and NK employees can provide support during use.

Healthcare institution Transfore

Transfore is an institution for forensic mental health care in the east of the Netherlands. Every year, they treat more than 1500 people who show or threaten to show transgressive behaviour. As a foundation, Transfore is part of the Dimence Group.

Project: the project at Transfore includes making the risk assessment application available to a group of clients (Self-score). The application can be used on tablets and PCs. The employees of Transfore can also provide support during use.

Service & support

The new customers use a complete service where the software is offered as a service and BPI takes care of technical management and support. This makes it possible to get started immediately, without having to go through a complex ICT implementation first.

Would you like to know more about the risk assessment software? Please feel free to contact us via contact@bpiservices.eu or +31(0)182 – 346 088.

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